Participation in bonsai clubs and (online) courses has enormous value in increasing your knowledge regarding bonsai styling and bonsai care. In addition, bonsai styling manuals and other teaching materials can be great reference books, a proper starting point to learn new techniques, or an inspiration for shaping and caring for your bonsai tree.
Be sure to check out at least the following books on bonsai styling and bonsai care:
- species manuals (as a set of six handbooks or per piece): Kaki, Camellia, Pinus thunbergii, Ilex, Acer and Acer Buergerianum
- the Juniperus Chinensis handbook explaining different techniques in many pictures
- Goyomatsu Zuisho, handbook of Japanese white pines or Pinus Parviflora
- The Satsuki bonsai handbook by Janine Droste in English, French or Dutch
- The Satsuki bonsai handbooks by mister Masamiyama in Japanese, but with many full color pictures
- Types of techniques explaining different techniques on 100 different species in numerous pictures