| Biogold Vital | 180cc | Engrais liquide japonais à diluer dans l’eau | Peut être utilisé comme engrais foliaire ou de surface.
In the case of the 180ml and 500ml bottles you can mix 1-litre of water with a capful of Biogold Vital (10ml)
A handy measuring cup is built inside the cap.
A capful is 10ml
To initiate a growth response or repair root damage.
Water the soil around the roots with a solution of Biogold Vital that has been diluted at the recommended rate. This method provides a more direct effect on roots that have suffered rotting and also will stimulate better recovery as roots start to grow more actively in spring and autumn.
STEP 1 | Water plants normally with fresh water. |
STEP 2 | Sprinkle around the root area after diluting at the recommended rate. |
Apply 2-3 times each month.
To prevent powdery mildew, blackspot, leaf burn.
STEP 1 | Water plants normally with fresh water. |
STEP 2 | Make up a solution of Biogold Vital in a container with a suitable spray nozzle. |
STEP 3 | Spray over the plant as a foliar spray after diluting at the recommended rate. |
Apply 2-3 times each month.
In preparation for planting, repotting or transplanting.
STEP 1 | Make a reservoir of dilute liquid as the drawing indicates |
STEP 2 | Submerge the plant in its pot for 30 - 60 minutes |
STEP 3 | Repot into its new pot |
STEP4 | After planting, repotting or transplanting, water fully with a solution of Biogold Vital. You may apply at a dilution rate of 100:1 [Water: Biogold Vital] |
For taking cuttings and propagating herbaceous plants.
STEP 1 | Make up a solution at a rate of 100:1 [Water: Biogold Vital] placing the liquid into a container as the drawing indicates |
STEP 2 | Soak the cuttings for 30 - 60 minutes then plant into a suitable free draining growing medium. Biogold Vital will help the plant generate a new root system. |